Shamanic Services
Getting you in touch with transcendent spiritual forces - the true shamanic guides and healers.
Private readings are a wonderful way to access loving and meaningful messages from spirit.
In readings, I channel my divinatory helping spirit, Archangel Haniel, who can offer you striking and loving insight and guidance regarding career, relationships, romance, life purpose, the meaning of a dream, moving homes, finances, past lives, the spiritual aspects of illness, and nearly anything else you’d like advice on.
We can also invite your departed loved ones in to provide messages of clarity, healing, comfort, and love.
You can request a reading with specific questions in mind, or ask these compassionate beings what they would like you to know at this time and see what they share!
In-person (in the Bloomington area and where applicable) - 30 or 60 minutes
Zoom - 15, 30, or 60 minutes
Phone - 15, 30, or 60 minutes
Email (channeled answers to your questions are emailed to you) - one, two, or three questions
Shamanic healing address the spiritual aspects of illness and disharmony.
In a shamanic healing session, my healing helping spirit works with me to diagnose the spiritual aspect(s) of your presenting issue, perform the healing that is needed on it at that time, and share any steps for you to take to integrate that healing.
My spirit ally might utilize common shamanic healing methods - such as extracting pain and illness, returning a helping spirit for empowerment, guidance, and support, releasing unhelpful attached spirits, working with unlimited universal healing light, and retrieving soul energy, lost due to trauma, to create wholeness and healing - or use a multitude of other methods. Whatever he does, it is tailored to your specific needs in that moment.
With appropriate permission, shamanic healing can be done for:
Adults (ages 18 and up)
Youth (younger than age 18)
Homes, business, and other spaces
Your family lineage
People may expect shamanic healing to be an instant, magical cure. And while instant cures can and do happen, this work is more often a process that takes place over time on the part of practitioner and client.
Additionally, shamanic energy healing is not a substitute for conventional medical and psychological care. As a general rule, shamanic healing is a complement, not an alternative, to these other other methods, offering a picture of whole-istic healing.
In-person (in the Bloomington area and where applicable) - about 90 minutes
Zoom - about 90 minutes
Phone - about 90 minutes
Email (the healing is done without you present and the details of what healing occurred are then emailed to you)
Custom ceremonies are sacred experiences that are co-created by Spirit and I, with optional input from you, to invoke blessing or spiritual support for a specified intention.
Examples of such ceremonies can be to celebrate a birth or wedding, break a pattern, acknowledging a death or life transition, invoking powerful group-specific healing, and almost any other healing intention you can think of.
Custom ceremonies can be individual or group experiences.
In-person (in the Bloomington area and where applicable) - Time varies based on intention and facility requirements
Zoom - Time varies based on intention
Phone - Time varies based on intention
Email (in which I perform the ceremony and report back on my experience) - Time varies based on intention
Death is a sacred transition into life after life, but it can be a difficult time for both the dying, and their families.
Shamanic end-of-life and beyond care can include spiritual counseling about end-of-life issues or fears, teaching the dying how to shamanically journey to explore the after-death realms and access healing and/or comfort from their spirit allies, checking in on a deceased person’s soul as a spiritual “status report,” and more.
*Please Note: At this time, I am unable to accept death-related legal responsibilities, such as powers of attorney.
In-person (in the Bloomington area and where applicable)
Zoom (except teaching the dying individual how to journey, unless a loved one is physically present with them)
Phone (except teaching the dying how to journey)
Email (except teaching the dying how to journey)
Shamanic counseling is a process in which I help you to get in touch with your true shamanic advisors - your helping spirits - firsthand to access knowledge, guidance, healing, or other divine support purely for yourself.
This is done by teaching you, over four intimate one-on-one sessions, how to take shamanic journeys (journeying being a core feature of shamanism) to work with these healing and teaching spirits.
Or, if you already have a strong journey practice*, we can refine your journey skills, troubleshoot issues in your journeywork, and work through personal questions and issues, in as many sessions as desired.
However we work, shamanic counseling can offer direct healing, wisdom, restoration, and of course, spiritual freedom.
*This means that you journey successfully, and have a strong relationship with a helping spirit that you found in the Upper or Lower Worlds. This can be gained by:
Having completed a shamanic counseling process with me,
Taking The Shaman's Journey | Beginning Journeying Workshop with me previously, such as through private online shamanic training,
Taking a beginning workshop with a colleague,
Comprehension of and success using the material in Shamanic Journeying: A Beginner’s Guide.
Contact me with any preparedness questions.
New journeyer:
In-person (in the Bloomington area and where applicable) - Four sessions over ideally four weeks (the first session is two hours, followed by three 90-minute sessions)
Zoom - Four sessions over ideally four weeks (the first session is two hours, followed by three 90-minute sessions)
Experienced journeyer:
In-person (in the Bloomington area and where applicable) - As many 90-minute sessions as desired over as many weeks as desired
Zoom - As many 90-minute sessions as desired over as many weeks as desired
When a group of people has recently experienced a trauma, such as a death, divorce, accident, or disaster, it can be vital for the health and quality of life of those involved to have soul energy, which they may have lost due to the trauma, returned to them.
After being given a core understanding of both soul loss and shamanic soul retrieval healing, we will invoke specific helping spirits to work in a certain powerful way to perform soul retrievals on each individual in the group.
Such retrievals can be incredibly healing, by returning the gifts that the soul energies had left with, and providing greater wholeness, present-ness with the beauty of life, spiritual immunity against illness, ability to cope with the trauma, and more.
In-person in southern Indiana and where applicable - Up to two hours
Zoom - Up to two hours
If you’re unsure which service is right for you, don't see the service that you're looking for, or simply want to meet me before our session, come sit with me for a FREE heart-full introductory chat!
Are you ready for in-Spirited help?
Once you know which service is calling to you, request or book it below.