Repeat Students | Shamanic Soul Retrieval Training (August 2025 | Online)


Aug. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 - Times Vary - Online via Zoom

Properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and aid them in living a healthy and passionate life once they are “home” again.

Originated by Sandra Ingerman, MA

Complete Registration

Aug. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 - Times Vary - Online via Zoom

Properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and aid them in living a healthy and passionate life once they are “home” again.

Originated by Sandra Ingerman, MA

Aug. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 - Times Vary - Online via Zoom

Properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and aid them in living a healthy and passionate life once they are “home” again.

Originated by Sandra Ingerman, MA

A discounted tuition payment for repeat students of a Soul Retrieval Training of either myself or another authorized instructor. Once your tuition payment is received, your registration is complete!

TO SUBMIT TUITION: Click the Complete Registration button. Upon submission, you will receive a secure link to download the training’s welcome letter. This link only lasts 24 hours after the first download, so please download the letter to a safe and accessible location. If you cannot send your payment via the Complete Registration button, please send your tuition, with your email address in the memo, through Venmo (@GarrettPJackson) or PayPal (

***If you are NOT a repeat student of a Soul Retrieval Training of either myself or another authorized instructor, CLICK HERE to complete your registration.

Participant cancelation and non-attendance policy: On or before July 16, full refund. July 17-24, 65% refund. After July 24, no refunds. Discretionary exceptions may be made.