Shamanic Soul Retrieval Training (August 2025 | Online)


*** Applying is FREE (hence the $0 listing); tuition payment only required if accepted. See below for tuition pricing ***

Aug. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 - Times Vary - Online via Zoom

Properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and aid them in living a healthy and passionate life once they are “home” again.

Originated by Sandra Ingerman, MA

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*** Applying is FREE (hence the $0 listing); tuition payment only required if accepted. See below for tuition pricing ***

Aug. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 - Times Vary - Online via Zoom

Properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and aid them in living a healthy and passionate life once they are “home” again.

Originated by Sandra Ingerman, MA

*** Applying is FREE (hence the $0 listing); tuition payment only required if accepted. See below for tuition pricing ***

Aug. 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, and 17, 2025 - Times Vary - Online via Zoom

Properly return soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and aid them in living a healthy and passionate life once they are “home” again.

Originated by Sandra Ingerman, MA

TW: Mention of various traumas

Physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, accidents, terror attacks, addiction, a divorce or death, surgery, acting against one’s own morals - these are all possible causes of what shamans call soul loss.

Soul loss is a self-defense mechanism, in which our psyche sends some of our vital consciousness - our soul - into the spirit realms so that we do not bear the full brunt of a trauma - thus helping us to survive.

But these soul energies do not always come back on their own. And this is where a host of issues can set in, including depression, suicidal tendencies, addictions, post-traumatic stress responses, never-ending grief, autoimmune issues, unconsciously recreating old trauma patterns, not feeling whole or fully “here” in life, and more.

But the shaman has a cure for this both ancient and modern problem: the delicate and powerful healing process known as soul retrieval.

In this incredible program, originated by world-renowned psychotherapist, trauma therapist, and award-winning author of the classic Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self Sandra Ingerman, MA, you will receive intensive training in properly returning soul energy, lost due to trauma, to others - and helping them to live a healthy and passionate life now that they are “home” again.

This training will be held over two separate weekends. In the first, you will discover:

  • The four major causes of illness that shamans perceive,

  • The causes, nature, and symptoms of soul loss - what shamans worldwide see as the primary reason for illness,

  • Key features to include in the healing stories that you share in soul retrieval - and the traumas that can occur when you don’t,

  • How unconscious soul stealing between persons also causes soul loss (and burdens the “thief”) - and how to safeguard yourself from it,

  • A step-by-step methodology for facilitating safe and powerful soul retrieval healing, with your personal soul retrieval helping spirit,

  • The effects of soul retrieval, and how to prepare your clients for this sacred work,

  • Utilizing trauma research to deepen the experience of soul retrieval,

  • Working in the natural world to ground returned soul energy,

  • Elaborations possible for soul retrieval ceremonies, such as working with foods, favorite objects, crystals, soul catchers, and community,

  • The “before, during, and after” details of effective and ethical soul retrieval.

And, you will have the opportunity to practice and receive soul retrieval healing in-circle, and gain personalized instruction in the method.

On the second weekend, we will explore:

  • The life-after healing process - the vital work of helping clients to “come back home” to a healthier and more fulfilling life post-soul retrieval,

  • Safely liberating yourself of soul that you’ve stolen or taken on from others - and how to help your clients do the same,

  • Rituals for breaking habits connected to your old soul loss - and for bringing in the gifts of your returned essence,

  • Other soul retrieval methods, such as past life soul retrieval, and body part soul retrieval for repairing the physical form,

  • Using your newfound energy to cultivate a healthier, more impassioned life,

  • A sacred fire ceremony process of letting go of what stops you, and us, from using our life-shaping power,

  • Fundamental practices for facilitating powerful fire ceremonies in your own communities,

  • Working with different populations in soul retrieval, such as children, animals, spaces, cities, dying and comatose persons, relationships, and businesses,

  • “Finishing-up details,” including charging for your sessions, group soul retrieval, shamanic ego work, self-care as a practitioner, and beyond,

  • The method of soul remembering - powerfully reconnecting a client with their purpose and true identity once again,

  • And so much more.

During this weekend, too, we will practice these tender and powerful healing techniques with our fellow circle-members.

This training, open to a maximum of six participants, provides a meaningful opportunity to receive a bounty of individually-tailored instruction in the major art of soul retrieval healing within a manageable dual-weekend format, while being held in a heart-centered community of like-minded practitioners. This intensive program is solely for strong shamanic journeyers wishing to bring soul retrieval into their work with others; it is not designed for those looking for personal healing, although opening to personal healing is part of the course.

During these times, in which many feel empty, are struggling with difficult illnesses or traumas of their own, and see the wealthy putting financial gain over other souls, we are capable of coming home again, more fully into our bodies, reconnected with our purpose, and embracing the healing and empowering gifts and knowledge of our soul - and we can help others do the same. In this in-depth training, we conduct a highly-detailed exploration into the ancient, cross-cultural method of soul retrieval, experience it for ourselves, and learn how to bring this work into the world, so that we may come more fully home to ourselves, our loved ones, and the ineffable richness of the gift of life on planet Earth.


Prerequisites: 1.) The Shaman's Journey workshop with me or another beginning journeying workshop from an authorized instructor (or equivalent). Please contact me with any questions.

2.) A strong shamanic journey practice (meaning that you journey successfully, and have a strong relationship with a helping spirit that you found in the Upper or Lower Worlds).

Dates and Times: Pacific Time: August 1 (2:30-5:30pm), 2 (8am-2pm), 3 (8am-2pm), 15 (2:30-5:30pm), 16 (8am-2pm), and 17 (8am-2pm), 2025

Eastern Time: August 1 (5:30-8:30pm), 2 (11am-5pm), 3 (11am-5pm), 15 (5:30-8:30pm), 16 (11am-5pm), and 17 (11am-5pm), 2025

Please note that this training will not be recorded, and make-up sessions will NOT be available. Please ensure that you can commit to attending the full training prior to applying.

Location: Live online via Zoom.

What to Bring: An audio- and video-enabled device to attend sessions on, something to cover your eyes with (such as a sleep mask or bandana), a handheld drum and/or rattle (if you have one), and a writing utensil and notebook. Art supplies (any that call to you, including “artistic” non-notebook paper) will be required for the final meeting. Optional items include a candle or incense to help create sacred space, headphones (for a potentially-enhanced listening experience), and any sacred items that you wish to bring. Please attend from a comfortable place in which you are unlikely to be disturbed.

Tuition: $575 (or, for repeating students of a Soul Retrieval Training with myself or another authorized instructor, $287.50).

APPLY NOW by clicking the Apply Now button. Once your application is submitted, I will contact you via email within three business days with a determination. Upon acceptance, you will receive a link through which to submit your tuition. Once your tuition is received, you will receive immediate access to download the training’s welcome letter, thus completing your registration. Class limited to six persons; FIVE SPACES REMAIN. Apply soon.

Participant cancelation and non-attendance policy: On or before July 16, full refund. July 17-24, 65% refund. After July 24, no refunds. Discretionary exceptions may be made.